Uk Info: Can new EAL arrivals be exempt from SATS?

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New to English Arrivals Procedure
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Can we help students to be better language learners?
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Uk Info: Can new EAL arrivals be exempt from SATS?

Key Stage 2 Assessment and Reporting Arrangements 2014 states:

“4.9.4 How children’s test and teacher assessment results are used in the performance tables

All children who have reached the end of key stage 2 are included in calculation of school level performance measures. However, a small number of children may be discounted from
these calculations before publication of the performance tables and release of validated data in RAISEonline. These will be children who have recently arrived from overseas with
little or no English. To be eligible, a child must meet all three of the following criteria:

•     they were admitted to an English school for the first time during the 2012/13 or 2013/14 school year; and
•     they arrived from overseas before their admission; and
•     English is not an official language of the country they came from.

During the annual performance tables checking exercise schools can apply to remove children from the ‘number of eligible pupils’ figure that is used for calculation of performance measures. This exercise will run in early September 2013. If a request is accepted, the child will be excluded from calculation of all measures. Omissions will not be granted for an individual subject.”

Updates for 2016 show very similar arrangements:

Assessment & Reporting Arrangements 2016

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