How do you plan successfully for EAL learners? Free planning template
5th June 2014
One effective method of instigating rapid improvement in speaking, listening, reading and writing
27th June 2014Assessment
All learning is based on assessment. Children arrive and sit a baseline assessment. After analysis of result children are provided with appropriate provision. Interim progress reports on progression in EAL, phonics and writing are reviewed every half term.
Beginner EAL Learning Intervention (EAL Intervention)
They follow ‘Teaching English an An Additional Language 5-11: A Whole School Resource’ which offers survival language intervention for the early days. This replaces the in class Literacy lesson for a short period until children are able to access the next two steps. Progression in English for beginners is reassessed every half term to check on progress.
Intermediate new arrivals curriculum language support (out of class)
This support provides additional vocabulary and language structure support for those children attending differentiated Literacy in class.
EAL differentiated curriculum support (in class)
Working closely with an EAL teacher to provide language learning differentiation for intermediate learners.
All new arrivals are assessed for phonics and provided with differentiated out of class lessons. Reading (with phonic based readers) is part of this. Progression in phonics is reassessed every half term to check on progress.
One to one support:
Where specific EAL needs are identified (for example, after a big write) the EAL teacher will work one to one with children to support their progress with these needs.
Staff Training
Staff training is provided for all staff in integrating language learning objectives alongside curriculum objectives to support all levels of EAL learner in class.