28th February 2015
IPC Conferences 2015
2nd April 2015Results by time, progress and score
Attached are the results of the learners’ time spent learning over a 30 day period (a lot of which is self directed time). As you can see, the duration of learning is significant, showing that learners are choosing to use the Village in their free time. Parents often supported their learners at home when using the Learning Village, sometimes reporting to be learning themselves! We also saw significant impact on usage when it was incorporated in Family Learning.
The most incredible outcome of the study has been the amount of ownership learners have taken for their learning. We saw a significant increase in learning independently, most likely because they had been taught the skills to make progress. As a result, they made accelerated progress and showed enormous maturity in their approach to language learning.
The learners, all of whom are aged between 7-11, initially needed guidance, in the form of the teacher modelling, on how to learn a language using the Learning Village (with particular emphasis on speaking and listening but also on the reading and writing). They then needed teacher-student interactions on a regular basis (at least weekly) to support learning in any areas they found challenging. In addition to this, learners received a daily intervention in EAL which helped them to consolidate learning in a small group setting.
The live news feed helped us analyse results. They showed learners’ usage (what the learners are doing, how they are performing and when). We have also analysed the progress of the learners using the built in tools that clearly showed what they could and couldn’t do allowing the teacher to target the needs of the learner. The curriculum content provided an opportunity for learners to pre-learn vocabulary coming-up in the curriculum and therefore access their lessons from a better starting point.
The example in the picture attached provides a snap shot of one learner’s results and the progress seen. Also attached is a snapshot of the progress of each learner using the Learning Village. This is calculated as the difference between the learner results of assessment the first time they took it and the results of their future best assessment. You can also see a snapshot of one learner gives guidance on duration against progress. This allows us to see if the time spent learning is resulting in enough progress (to ensure that they are learning at the right level of challenge).
It’s at times like these that we see the potential of learning online and how limiting daily lessons can be if they do not provide the opportunity for ongoing application beyond the lesson. This is not just about learners’ traditional homework. It is teaching skills in independent learning with structured teacher support in place and no limit to the opportunities to learn. This is about developing skilled language learners and providing further capacity to excel beyond the classroom.