One school, many languages: Making languages matter
25th October 2023
We are proud to be a Supporting Member of BAISIS
24th November 2023Learning Village has won not only the “Highly Commended” Award in the SEN Category of the Teach Primary Awards 2023 BUT ALSO the “Finalist” Award in the SEN Category of the Teach Secondary Awards 2023.
The prestigious Teach Primary and Secondary Awards provide an independent, detailed picture of what supports teachers and schools in delivering the highest standards in education. They delve deeply into both the curriculum and day-to-day operations of each entry to seek out the very best resources and tools. Quality scores and assessment of the outcome are determined by a panel of judges composed of experts and educators.
Both Learning Village (Primary) and Islands (Secondary) were entered into the SEN Category of the Awards. Learning Village teaches through image as the language of instruction, making it ideal for pre-literate and low-level English learners. Supported by text in dyslexia font, the programme uses multi-sensory and multi-channel strategies and teaches in small, structured units to maintain motivation and attention. The game-based nature of the programme engages the learner, but the ready-made lesson plans, resources and assessment tools are designed to support teachers in all aspects of their English language provision.
The judges’ comments reflect Learning Village’s Objectives and sum up why it is ideal for SEN learners:
“Although primarily designed as a resource for learners using EAL, Learning Village is an inclusive, engaging tool for all learners, including those with SEND.
The resource is fun, vibrant and engaging, with sound pedagogical foundation and a focus on learning through use of images and dual coding.
The programme is intuitive in functionality, and assessments allow learning to suit the individual learner – thereby promoting independence and confidence.
There is also the option to adapt the resource, including the ability to remove some of the sensory input if needed.”
(Teach Primary Judges Comments)
“We are so proud to have won these awards. It’s a testament to the hard work of the team behind the scenes and the incredible feedback from all the schools using the Learning Village. Together, we can reflect on the impact it has had on learners and make a sizable difference to the progress for harder to reach learners.” says Caroline Scott, Founder and Director of Learning Village – by Across Cultures.
“At Learning Village we are passionate about the English language learning. The judges’ comments confirm that our programme is achieving its mission of successfully engaging SEN learners and providing teachers and learners with the support they need. Thank you.”
For more information about Leaning Village and Islands visit www.learningvillage.net/send
For more information about the Teach Primary and Secondary Awards 2023 visit www.teachwire.net/news/teach-awards